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Virtual Ensemble Services

Video/Audio Editing and Production


          The pandemic has made in-person ensemble performances nearly impossible, and more so now as we are approaching winter. With the magic of technology, we can keep the spirit of music alive! Virtual ensemble videos are a great way for us all to stay connected during this time. We are happy to offer our video and audio editing services to make the process as smooth and easy as possible for you! 



                      We provide:


An instructional document that includes:

-How to record a guide track for the musicians-with a clap cue

  so we can sync everything together

-How to frame your video recordings 

-How to create the best lighting for your video recordings

-How to film with the correct settings on your phone/camera

-How to capture the best audio with your phone or microphone

-How to easily transfer your files to us


A Dropbox folder

-We will create a dropbox upload link to send to the performers 



With your help, we will create a timeline with

important dates including:

-Upload due date for all performers

-Audio mix due date

(audio must be approved by you before video editing can begin)

-Video editing due date



-We will synchronize all audio and video 

-Mix and master the audio 

-Edit the video to create a full virtual ensemble finished product 

-Format the video for social media if needed


Help along the way

-We will help create the guide track with you 

-We will take care of any technological issues that the performers have,

including issues with uploading their files

-We will answer any questions you have throughout the entire process


               You Provide:

-Your conductor/music director will create a

guide track with our guidance and help

-Sheet music  

-Shot List (optional)

Using the sheet music or lyric sheet, you will create a shot list for us.

We will use the shot list to make your vision come to life as

accurately as possible! 

We will also be happy to make the creative decisions

for a higher hourly rate. 

Light Boxes

Light Boxes
Light Boxes
Play Video

Light Boxes

Animation and Movement
Play Video

Animation and Movement

Animation and Movement Example 2
Play Video

Animation and Movement Example 2

Video Mosaic
Play Video

Video Mosaic

Get a Quote

Thanks for submitting!

Example 2.png
Example 1.jpeg

Shot List Examples

Video editing by Janna Graham 

Audio editing by Patrick Arthur 

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